SMARTALK - hope for today
Messages of hope from Pastor Chris Smart of Hope Church Presbyterian, Tampa, Florida.
SMARTALK - hope for today
Isaiah 31 Picking the Wrong Friends
Isaiah 31 Picking the Wrong Friends: Who has been the worst boyfriend or girlfriend you have taken home or could take home? The kind that would make your dad reach for the gun? You see parents are touchy about bad friends. The reason being, is the power of friendship to mold us. You can just have the wrong friends. Now put on the clothes of Isaiah’s time 2600 years ago- replay the drama of his day, and you will see that humanity has not changed.
Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email.
Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.